I guess you would call this a spring surprise. Looked out the window this morning and there was the ground covered with snow. I wasn't expecting that. Yesterday I was looking at the grass and thinking, that soon the lawnmower has to come out. But it won't be today.
Received my passport the other day. Only took a week. And I need that because.... a couple of weeks ago my son asked me if I would like to go to California. So California, here I come. Going to L.A., driving up the coast and back by another route. He has a friend who has an association with the Gallo family, so we may get a tour.
Doing my walking every day, so I can get in shape for chasing a streetcar. We will be gone nine days.
Filled up with gas last night. Only needed half a tankful. A bit of madhouse, cars pulling up to the tanks in both directions. In this province we have gas regulation, which means that the price of gas stays the same for a week. It changes every Thur. night. So if you pay attention to the news, you get a bit of a warning. There is no instant price increase when the price of a barrel of oil goes up. So no gouging. There is a two week lag. The price will be higher today. So that is the reason for the rush last night. I paid $1.269 for a liter. And for you americans that would be $4.80 a gal. I have a van and it cost me $50.00 for half a tank. I better keep this page open until I find out the price today.
So I did go out and the price today is $1.338 a liter which is $5.06 a gal. My head still works in gals. so that sounds worse. Anyway, that's how it is. Tomorrow it may be one cent less. For some reason, they do that on Sat. An adjustment I guess.
Also bought some groceries. They are also going up. And money as groceries in the pantry gets more interest than money in the bank. And you can't eat nthe money in the bank. You may not be able to get it.