
Thursday, June 29, 2023



Big rain yesterday and today. As they would say in the old days, raining cats and dogs. Do you know what that saying means?

The phrase "raining cats and dogs" is an idiomatic expression that means it is raining very heavily. It is used to describe a torrential downpour or a heavy rainstorm.

In the past, when houses had thatched roofs, this is like the Middle Ages, small animals like cats and dogs would seek shelter in the thatch. During heavy rains, the animals could be dislodged and would fall from the roof, giving the appearance of "raining cats and dogs."

"Raining cats and dogs" is now a common idiom used to vividly describe a heavy rainstorm, emphasizing its intensity. If you did see animals falling, that would be weird.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

MILA 18 by Leon Uris

 "Mila 18" is a historical novel written by Leon Uris. It was first published in 1961 and is based on the true story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising during World War II.

The novel takes its name from the address of the main resistance bunker in the Warsaw Ghetto, located at 18 Mila Street. The story follows a group of Jewish resistance fighters who are determined to resist the Nazis and their efforts to exterminate the Jewish population.

"Mila 18" provides a fictionalized account of the events that occurred during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943. The main characters in the novel are based on real people who participated in the resistance, and Uris's narrative weaves together their individual stories to create a powerful and poignant depiction of the Jewish struggle against Nazi oppression.

The book explores themes of heroism, sacrifice, and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of extreme adversity. It highlights the courage and determination of the Jewish fighters, who despite being vastly outnumbered and outgunned, refused to surrender and fought for their freedom.

"Mila 18" is considered one of Leon Uris's most significant works, alongside his other well-known novel, "Exodus." It has been praised for its historical accuracy, compelling characters, and gripping storytelling. The novel provides a poignant portrayal of the Holocaust and serves as a reminder of the horrors that occurred during that dark period in history.

Monday, June 19, 2023


 The truest obedience
 to God is the opposition to tyranny. Tyranny itself can manifest in various forms, including political, social, economic, or religious oppression. Our first thoughts are WW2 and countries in Africa. But it is also possible to experience small forms of tyranny in our daily lives. Tyranny refers to the exercise of power in a cruel, oppressive, or unjust manner, typically by a government or authority. While we often associate tyranny with large-scale instances, such as totalitarian regimes, it can also manifest in more subtle ways in our everyday interactions and systems.

Unequal power dynamics and abusive behavior by supervisors or managers, prejudices and discrimination and excessive control and interference in one's personal or professional life can be a form of tyranny. Smaller instances of tyranny can accumulate and lead to oppression and injustice.

Soon we will experience a reduction in T.V. channels while paying the same fee. Some will see this as a form of tyranny. Although it may appear that they have complete control over our viewing habits, in the end, we can just cancel the subscription. Although not tyranny, it is at least unfair.

Saturday, June 17, 2023


 Fixing a lawnmower can vary depending on the specific issue you're facing. However, here are some general steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially fix common lawnmower problems:

  1. Safety first: Before working on your lawnmower, ensure it is turned off and disconnected from any power source. Wear protective gloves and goggles to avoid injury.

  2. Identify the problem: Determine what exactly is wrong with your lawnmower. Is it not starting? Is it running rough? Is it vibrating excessively? Identifying the problem will help you narrow down the potential causes.

  3. Check the fuel system: If your lawnmower is not starting or running poorly, the fuel system could be the culprit. Check the fuel tank to ensure it has enough clean fuel. Replace the fuel if necessary. Inspect the fuel lines and filter for clogs or damage. Clean or replace them if needed.

  4. Inspect the spark plug: A faulty spark plug can cause issues with starting or running the lawnmower. Remove the spark plug and inspect it for signs of damage, such as fouling or excessive wear. Clean or replace the spark plug as necessary.

  5. Clean or replace the air filter: A dirty or clogged air filter can restrict airflow and affect the performance of the lawnmower. Remove the air filter and clean it if it is washable. Otherwise, replace it with a new one.

  6. Check the blade: If your lawnmower is not cutting properly or making unusual noises, the blade might be damaged or dull. Inspect the blade for any bends, cracks, or excessive wear. Sharpen or replace the blade as needed.

  7. Clean the deck: Grass clippings and debris can accumulate underneath the lawnmower deck, affecting its performance. Use a scraper or brush to clean out any built-up debris.

  8. Check the drive belt: If your lawnmower has a self-propelled feature and it's not functioning correctly, the drive belt might be worn or broken. Inspect the belt for any signs of damage and replace it if necessary.

  9. Consult the user manual: If you're still unable to diagnose or fix the problem, refer to the lawnmower's user manual. It will provide specific troubleshooting steps and instructions for your particular model.

If the issue persists or if you're uncomfortable performing repairs yourself, it's recommended to seek professional assistance from a lawnmower repair shop or a qualified technician.

Friday, June 16, 2023


 My son mentioned yesterday that he was talking to the Dallas Cowboys. Repaired a computer program for them. It used to be that he would go there for a week, now it is all done remote. He did collect a lot of air miles.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

EMPTY CRADLES by Margaret Humphreys


"Empty Cradles" is a non-fiction book written by Margaret Humphreys, originally published in 1994. The full title of the book is "Empty Cradles: One Woman's Fight to Help Britain's Forgotten Children." The book tells the true story of Humphreys' efforts to reunite thousands of British children who were forcibly separated from their families and sent to Australia and other Commonwealth countries.

During the mid-20th century, thousands of children, known as the "Child Migrants," were taken away from their families under various circumstances, including poverty, single parenthood, or being born to unmarried parents. These children were promised a better life and opportunities in countries like Australia, but they often ended up facing neglect, abuse, and exploitation in their new environments.

Margaret Humphreys, a social worker from Nottingham, England, discovered the truth about these forced child migrations and decided to take action. She started researching and locating the lost children, many of whom had grown up without knowledge of their true identities or families. Humphreys faced numerous challenges and obstacles, including bureaucratic resistance and hostility, but she persevered in her mission to reunite these "lost children" with their families.

"Empty Cradles" chronicles Humphreys' journey as she travels across the world, tracks down the now-adult child migrants, and exposes the truth behind this hidden chapter of British history. The book sheds light on the emotional toll suffered by the children and their families, the long-lasting effects of forced separation, and the struggle for justice and recognition.

Margaret Humphreys' work eventually led to a public apology from the British government in 2010, acknowledging the suffering and injustices inflicted upon the child migrants. The story of "Empty Cradles" has also been adapted into a television drama titled "Oranges and Sunshine" in 2010, starring Emily Watson as Margaret Humphreys.

"Empty Cradles" is a powerful and moving account of a woman's determination to expose a dark chapter in history and seek justice for those who suffered. It highlights the resilience and strength of the human spirit and serves as a reminder of the importance of family and belonging.

Saturday, June 3, 2023



While returning from the Post Office yesterday, I saw an elderly man pushing his walker across the parking lot on the way to his car. He was tall and gaunt taking small slow steps for his size. What stood out to me was the walker. Nothing special, two black wheels on the front as you would expect. What I would not expect is to see the two back legs lacking any protection. As he moped along, he did not lift the two back legs but dragged them, scratching and grating on the pavement, wearing down the thin aluminum. He must have exerted more pressure on the right side because this leg was now shorter than the left.

I wondered if he had friends or relatives who could point out to him that tennis balls had more uses than just for playing tennis. A picture of the floors in his house flashed thru my mind.

What are the benefits of putting tennis balls on walkers. The short version is that people put tennis balls on walkers for two main reasons: to make the walker quieter and to make it easier to push, not to mention floor protection. While there are plenty of benefits to putting tennis balls on walkers, there are also some potential disadvantages. Not every solution like this is perfect for every person. Three potential disadvantages of putting tennis balls on walkers. It could tip in some situations, can come off easily and is harder to push on some surfaces such as carpet.

Tennis balls can help in a number of ways, but the short version is: it makes the walker experience a lot better.