Its Sat. morning. Nice out now,but I think it is supposed to rain later.
I have one of those Magic Bullett blenders. That is some little machine. I use it almost every day. I have gone over to a liquid breakfast, so to speak. Put everything in the glass provided, screw on the base and voom,voom,voom finished. Here is my recipe. Got it from the newspaper.
Fill the glass half full of milk. Put in one banana, (use large spoon) for one spoon of wheat germ, sunflower seeds (without the shell of course), walnuts, flax seed, chi seeds (you should look up its content and history) and virgin olive oil. Then you need two tablespoons of yogurt and top it off with milk. After that,the three vooms and you are finished. Now you have everything you need in a breakfast. You can buy the flax seeds already ground but I like the crunch. I hope this will give me fortitude this morning because I have to go yard sailing with my wife.
Bought a new hat the other day. I guess it is something like a cowboy hat. Wide brim and all. My friends are poking fun at me but I like my hat. Makes a big difference walking in the sun. The wide brim keeps my face cooler than with my other ones. When I was much younger, I was expecting to be wearing a hat all the time like my father. But John F. Kennedy put the kibosh to that. He didn't wear a hat, so that became the new fashion. Wiped out the hat industry. So when the kids grew up and it was time to switch to a new hat, there wasn't any. They just kept wearing their baseball caps. So now old men still wear them. Come to think of it, it does go with the rest of the clothing. And that's not a compliment.
Back from the yard sales. I think this is the first time I've gone out and not spent any money. Of course I spent money on gas, which today is seling for $1.40 a liter. That would be $5.30 a gal. My wife and son just took off to Wal-Mart. She is running around looking for new glasses. We had tests done last month. My glasses are still good. No change in five years. The doctor said that eyesight doesn't change much after 60 yrs. of age. They just have to watch out for other things.
I was going to add a photo of the Magic Bullett. But I changed my mind and will put up one of my hat. My son just got an e-mail from one of my brothers. He bought an Apple computer at a yardsale for $75.00. Now he is asking my son how to get into it if he doesn't have a password. He is always buying computers at yardsales. I don't know if he ever checks them out first. Money with wings.