
Friday, May 2, 2008

The Top Diet . . . for Your Ticker

Which does the best job of protecting your heart: a Mediterranean-style diet or a low-fat plan?

Either approach is good for your health. But the Mediterranean type gives your ticker some extra protection. Here's how.

Cholesterol BusterThe

Mediterranean-type diet brought cardiovascular disease risk down 15% in a recent study, versus 9% for the low-fat plan. Why the difference? The olive oil, nuts, fruits, veggies, whole grains, and fish that characterize a Mediterranean diet are chock-full of fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants -- all things your heart loves. (Here's something else your heart craves.)

And More . . .

Some other reasons that might persuade you to eat like the people living in Greece, southern Italy, and other Mediterranean Sea spots:

Your heart could be healthier after only 3 months of it.
Here's how.
It could be a boon to your brain as well as your heart.
Here's what we mean by that.
Throw in a walk and you'll get healthy even quicker.
Here's why.

So go ahead, take the first step toward the heart-healthiest diet there is.

Step 1: Trade in your beef hamburgers for this delicious Mediterranean take on burgers.

Did You Know?

Whole-grain bread with olive oil makes a smart appetizer. Here's how it may help you eat less overall.

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