
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How Jackie Got His TouchPad!

Last Friday I was discussing the iPad with my son. I told him I wasn't interested in an iPad, all I needed was an eReader. Lately I have been checking them out. Finally, I decided to wait till the new Kindle came out. It's supposed to be in color, etc, etc. So he told me about HP getting out of the Tablet market, and maye some of the people who bought them will freak out, and want to sell theirs. Then, maybe I could get one on Kijiji, maybe $150. Okay, that sounds like a good plan.

Next morning, I see my son with a wide grin. "Guess what? I checked the Staples website this morning, and they have the HP Tablet for $99. & $150. I ordered three." An hour later confirmation came that he had two of them, one of each. So, we each have one. Since then, everyone is going crazy trying to get one. Store lineups, etc, just to order one.

So now I have my eReader and it cost $99. Of course I use it for more than reading books. The eReader only didn't last long. Love those Apps. The one that impresses me the most is the Google App. Just say the name of something and up comes the information. Or you can take a photo of something and it brings up items closest to it. Really Star Trekkie.!/PensionersRant

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