
Showing posts with label Anjelina Jolie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anjelina Jolie. Show all posts

Monday, July 12, 2010

Spies Are Us?

Big rain all night and still raining cats and dogs. And that saying came from. "In the filthy streets of 17th/18th century England, heavy rain would occasionally carry along dead animals and other debris. The animals didn't fall from the sky, but the sight of dead cats and dogs floating by in storms probably started this phrase." By the way, was anyone planning on chinese today?

Oh my God! LeBron James is a basketball player. I thought it was a realty show. Actually I didn't know he existed till two weeks ago. Then all of a sudden he is in my face. And I thought his first name was James. Anyway, never heard of the guy till he decided to change teams, then he's the greatest player in the world. He decides to change teams and Whamo, front page news. But I think he's toast now. Anjelina Jolie just got a tattoo on the inside of her theigh. He's not going to be able to top that. Back to James LeBron. If he wants to switch teams, that's his choice. His owners certainly wouldn't have any loyality to him. Remember Babe Ruth? Puff, out the door. I guess he created a lot of jobs and is still doing it. Think of all the guys they had to hire to tear down his sign in Cleveland.

I guess you can see that I'm not a basketball fan. Went to Catholic school and we didn't have a basketball team. The Protestants did though. We didn't have a hockey team either. The Protestants did. What we did have was Catechism classes. I was sort of a star there. Actually thought that I would be going up to the majors. Then I turned sixteen and got a drivers licence, then a girl friend. They sort of go hand in hand.  Well, the majors were out. So was a farm team.

A couple of days ago, I wrote on Facebook that the Americans should not have sent the spies back. They should have made it into a reality show. Maybe it is a reality show and they are just testing the waters. All those spies could come back. The food in the fridge wouldn't even be bad yet. You never know, these guys are pretty cagey. Russia might be in on it. We can call the show "Spies Are Us?" And you have to have the queston mark at the end.

I know what the first challange should be. Sneaking back into the States thru Mexico. The first couple back is the winner. No, lets change that. The last couple back is the winner. That would be harder. If you land in a Mexican jail, you're eliminated. Another challange would have a couple sneaking into a Bar Mitzvah. I thought first a White House party but that would be too easy. You could also sit in a Starbucks and see who gets reconized. To give Anna Chapman a fair chance, she would have to wear a moustache and have hairy armpits.