
Showing posts with label Burt Lancaster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burt Lancaster. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Any House is a Mansion

 I just finished reading the book "The Unforgiven" This is not the one with Clint Eastwood. That was "Unforgiven". This one stared Burt Lancaster. Most of the story centers around a soddy in Texas. I know what a soddy is, but I decided to look up some photos. One of them got my attention. It's not the child in the doorway but the flowers planted on each side of the door. You have to admit that this a pretty sad looking home. Small, not much room. One window at the back, maybe the sides. Even so, the woman of the house thinks enough of it to try and give it some beauty by planting flowering bushes at the front.