
Showing posts with label Kijiji. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kijiji. Show all posts

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Sold My Brass Coal Miner Statue on Kijiji


Sold it to a young man from Joggins. His grand-father was a coal miner and the town has a history of mining. He is going to put it in the Town Community Center.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Electric Generator on KIjiji

Yesterday was garbage day and I noticed that my neighbor across the street had thrown out an electric generator. So I skipped over to have a look at it. Of course it looked rough. The owner came out and told me its problems which didn't interest me. I told him I would put it on Kijiji and sell it for $20.00. He helped me drag it over to my place. Quite heavy. I put it up for sale and an hour later a guy put a hold on it and said he would be here the first thing in the morning. He was here at 7:40 and off it went. I am going to give $10.00 to my neighbor. I don't like seeing stuff like that being thrown out. Someone might be able to fix it or use it for parts. 

Monday, July 20, 2020


Busy lately cleaning out the shed, putting stuff on Kijiji and throwing out some stuff. In the last three weeks I've sold 6 items and given away 2, for a sum of $140. Two more items going to day, if they show up. I think there are people who have the hobby of promising to show up but never do. Usually 3 or 4 people do this. When people say they are coming, I don't even open the shed until they are here. The two coming today are women, so I expect them. It is usually men that are the assholes. 

Friday, June 19, 2020

That Old Lighter

In the last couple of days we've cut the grass, front & back, whipper snipped and started to clean out the shed. I was merciless in the shed. Getting rid of stuff and still more to do. Some things I have to put on Kijiji.
Did you ever notice in adventure movies where the bad guy is going to burn down something, he always douses it with gas, (he always seems to have some on hand), then lights it by tossing in his lighter. Why do they always use a lighter, have they never heard of matches? And why waste a good lighter? I've also never seen a movie where after he douses with gasoline, he doesn't have a lighter or gas.  It's a movie.