
Showing posts with label Ragnar Jonasson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ragnar Jonasson. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Nightblind (Dark Iceland #2) by Ragnar Jonasson


It was a bit difficult at first, getting used to the names and places but one gets used to it. When the story started out with a new detective, I thought the last one was finished. It wasn't until I finished the story and read some of the reviews, did I find out that the books are not in sequence. The story did take a leap forward, omitting a few years of the main character's life. 

There are two story lines going at the same time and I was unable to put them together till near the end, intentionally written that way. The main character is weak, easily taking offence at any small remark to the point that it overwhelms him.