
Showing posts with label snow tire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow tire. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A bit Of Snow

January 22, 2010
Got our bit of snow. Just 6 ins. Did my driveway with the snowblower, plus 7 more neighbours. Two of them are sick (one has a broken wrist) and the rest were at work. So I don’t mind doing it. It’s not like I have a lot to do in the winter. Anyway, that was yesterday.
Today I had to take my wife to our Chinese Doctor. Got stuck with lots of pins. Another visit in a couple of weeks time. That takes a little over an hour, so I spend some of my time at Tim Hortons, having a coffee and doing a crossword.
It’s nice and sunny out but the temp is 0C/32F.
Saw a sign on a church today about an open house for Tai Chi in a couple of weeks. I might check that out. Guess you would call it a slow form of Karate. Took Karate many years ago and it was the best shape I was ever in. Worked well as I was in the military at the time. But I had to stop because my daughters medical problems took over. That’s the way it goes.