
Showing posts with label subway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label subway. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Best of Times, Worst of Times

Sun again today. This is the second day in a row. It is quite windy though.

So the Utility Board had their open forum about the size of city council, and who gets up to speak, but the Mayor. Well yes, he says. City council is too large. It should be 15 not 23. He must figure he is on the way out anyway.

Yesterday, they had a council meeting. There is a big scandle going on, about the rock bands that come to the city during the summer. It seems that everyone got paid up front. They all got paid before the tickets were sold. The promoters, bands and everyone else who has their finger in it. They didn't need to worry about selling tickets, there was no more money to be made by doing so. This broke all the rules, and the Mayor had agreed to the whole thing.

Last evening, someone put up to vote to fire the Mayor. That didn't go anywhere. 17 - 3 to keep him. Maybe that 17 were in on the entertainment deal. And hey, there are lots of bands coming this summer. Did I fail to mention, the city pays when there are not enough tickets sold? I get to pay, even though I don't go to these shows. Entertainment for the masses. After all, you are not allowed to feed the christains to the lions. Then again, maybe we are being fed slowly.

Down behind my house, there is a shopping mall, and beyond that, the Forest Hills Parkway. At one end of the mall is Canadian Tire, with their own parking lot. After the store closes, the lot fills up with trailers, race cars, camp chairs and lots of beer. Soon, they are racing up and down the Parkway. The mounties get a lot of complaints, and what is their answer, "We're not interested in that."

The evening before yesterday, one of those guys must have run out of beer. Brandishing an axe, he robbed the Subway store in the same mall. I remember hearing a car just screaming out of the parking lot. I just happened to look at my watch at that time. Found out yesterday the robbery had occured just four minutes earlier. Guess we know who was in that car.

The mounties could have prevented that robbery, or even caught them in the act, if they had answered the complaint calls. They always seem to be conveniently ten miles away, doing rounds. Yesterday, all was back to normal, cars racing on the Parkway, everyone drinking beer and the cops doing rounds ten miles away.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Obesity Are Us And Them

Out on the lawn, there rose such a clatter,
I jumped from my bed, to see what was the matter.
And what to my wondering eyes did I see,
A snowplow!

This was 1 o'clock in the morning, over a road that doesn't have a flake of snow. I notice we get excellent service when there is no snow. Maybe he was looking for a freak snowpile. Although we had rain and snow yesterday, the amount of snow on the ground today, is the same as yesterday. Maybe we should call it ice now. Temp. is -2C/-28F. and it feels like -8C/21F.

The important article today is about obesity. 25% of Canadians are obese. Don't laugh Americans, because 36% of you are obese. I think we measured too many Chinese in our poll. That's what gave us the edge. The interesting thing is, most men are obese between 60 to 74 yrs. of age. It appears that's how they spend their retirement. For women, it's a sad story indeed. For them, it's 20 to 29 yrs. of age. A lot of them will not live long enough to get in the other bracket. Enough of that, I know how difficult it is to watch one's weight.

The Pope has a new book out. In it, he says the Jews are not responsible. I think everyone has been stupid for the last two thousand years. Of course the Jews didn't do it. The Romans did it. In other words the Italians. They just passed the buck.
"Hey, we didn't do it. the Jews did it. All those guys dressed like Romans? They're Jews."

Saw this article about Subway. There is a store in the mall behind my house. They wanted to put an iron bar across the exit door, but the Fire Marshall said no. They say it is too easy for thieves to break in. This comes from a break-in last year. I am probably the only person who knows what happened after the robbery. Maybe the police know.

Behind our house there is a 7" metal fence. On the other side of the fence, behind my house is a very large tree. All the branches, from the ground, to the top of the fence, have been cleaned to make a rough ladder. The thieves went over the fence, landed in my nice soft garden, and went through my back yard. When I saw that, I took my chainsaw and cut off all those branches. Maybe they will rob it again, then get a surprise. They will have to walk the length to get out.