
Showing posts with label time machine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label time machine. Show all posts

Friday, December 24, 2021

Time Machine

They will need a time machine in the future so they can come back to this era to find out what happened and then can put it in the history books.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Speaking of time machines, which was yesterday, I doubt very much that man will go back in time. What we will have is the next best thing. And I'm talking about movies. We make movies now about history using actors and we get a glimpse of what history may have been like. I expect that in the future they will have computer programs, capturing all possible information about people and events and make a movie as close to reality as possible, without actors. It would be like watching the actual event unfold. Of course this will have to depend on the integrity of the producer. Hopefully the truth will be told.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Random Thought

I wish I had a time machine so that when I see a photo, I could drop in, invisibly, to hear what the conversation was.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Time Machine.

Tomorrow is my operation and it reminds me, until this prostate business, I haden't been in a hospital for fifty years. (Not counting visiting, of course). So tomorrow, I put on the dressing gown and my plastic booties. Then I walk to the operating room, which I find kind of weird. Then they give me a little stool, and I climb up on the operating table. Also weird. They have an oven in there where they warm up blankets, so they cover me with a warm blanket until everything is ready. (Not weird, cozy).

So everything is going great. We are having a nice conversation, then Zap! I'm in the future, a different room and a different time. A Time Machine, that's what it is. When you wake up, you don't know how far into the future you've come. Hopefully only a few hours. So, if anyone ever asks me, "Have you ever done time travel?" I can in all honesty say "yes."

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Remember The Alamo

Kind of cool out there. Temp is -13C/9F. That's not counting the windchill. Used my snow blower yesterday. Should be the last time. Did mine and five of the neighbours.

Saw an article where they found a new dinosaur. They seem to do that ever so often, which is kind of weird. Maybe they have parts of different dinosaurs and putting them together. Not too far fetched. I remember a few years ago, they took one apart and put him back together differently. Said it was wrong the first time. The whole thing seems to be a maybe. They don't really know what they look like. We haven't built a time machine yet.

It doesn't appear to be a time machine in our future. We have never seen anyone come back. Unless they are invisible when they return. Nothing for me to worry about. They wouldn't be coming back to see me.

"Remember The Alamo." I bet the Mexacins do. "Two of every three Texas children are now non-Anglo and the trend line will become even more pronounced in the future." That's what they say. I think they want Texas back, along with California. After all, it was stolen from them. The way the States is going, it's only a matter of time. I wonder if they will still make the movies in English? Oh well, That's not tomorrow.

The Scotia Prince was a ferry that ran from Yarmouth to Portland, Maine. Stopped service in 2004. I see it popped up in the newspaper today. It will be ferrying Indians ( not the ones with tomahawks, the other ones) from Libya to somewhere. It didn't say where the ferry now lives, must be India. Didn't say it changed its name either. You would think it would be called Raja of Banalai or the like. Doesn't matter, I won't be going on that ship either.

Gadhafi is now handing out guns to civilians. That sounds like a good plan. Better give them lots of bullets. They love shooting them in the air. These bullets must fall to earth sometime. I wonder if anyone has ever been killed with a round in the top of their head?