Monday morning, 7 a.m, very windy and light rain. The temp is -4 C 26 F. Big storm in the U.S. for the last couple of days. I can look at the radar map for Halifax airport and can see that the storm is mighty close. At least it will rid us of the rest of the snow. Some of it is still ;ingering about. At this time of year, I should be getting ready to cut the grass for the first time. It's warmer cutting grass than shoveling snow. A good day to stay in the house. I'll work on my oldmagazineads .org/. Takes a while to put each one in.
Every day in the newspaper, I raed about out soldiers being killed in Afghanistan. To-day is no exception. Two coming back in coffins.
Had to go for an ultrasound last Thur. First time for that. Since I haven't done anything in a hospital since 1955, everything is first time. Oops, that's wrong. Went two months ago, when this all started. I must say, drinking that liter of water and holding it was quite unpleasant. Find out about that sometime this week.