Tue. morning and it says that it will rain today. Sure looks like it. Oh well, I have stuff to do on the computer. Fixed my lawn mower yesterday, after I broke a shear pin on it. The worse thing is having to go to Halifax for the part. Actually I tried to make one but it was just a guess. It worked well enough that the mower started but after awhile it would loosen things up. When I got the new part, I saw that mine wasn't quite the same size. It has to be aluminum about half inch long and about as thick as a four in. nail. I bought a spare one so I could see the size. I'm still going to try and make one and the reason is because. Of course I may never break it again. Fixed the lawn mower, cut the grass and went for a two mile walk. That was all the important stuff.
It looks like the Superstore was trying to pull a fast one on us. Telling us that fruit and vegetables are locally grown. I guess they thought us too dumb to notice the stickers saying Ontario and parts of the U.S. I have a great idea, you could get the stuff at the Yarmouth hospital (previous article) or the hospital could make a deal with the Superstore. Another great idea is that the Superstore could actually buy the produce from Nova Scotia farmers.
Saw this article that gays make better parents. You have to take this with a grain of salt. People doing studies have the study leaning in the way they want so it gets the results they want. Next point. I'm assuming the person doing the article is gay. No one writes an article that shows themselves in a bad light. That someone would be a better parent than her. My mother died when I was twelve, leaving me with four younger brothers and a father. And let me tell you that growing up without a mother is not the best way to travel. That's for boys, for girls growing up without a mother, probably worse. No matter how good a parent you are, there is still a hole when one is missing. On the other hand, sometimes you are better off when one is missing. And the study, do it in fifty years time when you actually have results.