In this alternate universe, I am a Taser Technician. My job
was to go and retrieve the Taser wires that were expended. Drag them back and
restore them to the Taser.
In our present world, Taser wires extend to about 15”. In my other
world, the wires fly out to about 150”. I saw myself crawling over bushes,
through windows and around buildings. Not surprising, because these are DNA seeking
Taser wires. Fire the weapon and it seeks the person. Taking the path of least
resistance, it went through thorn bushes, not around them.
I have nothing to do with the firing of the Taser. I think I am in the Police and I am definitely on the bottom of that totem pole. I just have to
collect all these strung out wires and stuff them back into a box for next
time. Frustrating job done and then I wake up.