
Showing posts with label bananas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bananas. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18, 2022


My wife bought a watermelon yesterday and left it on the counter all night. This morning I hear from my wife. "Dear, come look at this, the counter is covered in water. Ther must be something wrong with your coffee machine." I couldn't figure how that could be since I don't leave water in it but just maybe I put water in it yesterday and forgot to make the coffee. So, I told her I would put water in and just let it sit and see what happens. Did that and put some paper towel under the watermelon. Came back twenty minutes later and the towel was soaked. Leaky watermelon not bad coffee machine. 

What happens next?  I told my wife to return it and get another one. I don't like donating money to a supermarket. Most people would throw out that watermelon. I know they would. Don't want the extra chore, can't be bothered, too much trouble, it's only $3.00 yada, yada, yada. But would you take three dollars from your pocket and throw it in the garbage, I don't think so. People waste money on a daily basis and then complain about their lack of funds. We live in a capitalist system, and they don't even teach in school how to look after your money. When it comes to money, most people are pretty dumb.

My wife thought they would blame it on her, that maybe she broke it and caused the leak. Anyway, she returned it and didn't get another. Some of the other ones were leaking and the rest looked iffy. They took our watermelon and returned it to the pile. Then she bought bananas. Winners, all the way around.