
Showing posts with label coal mine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coal mine. Show all posts

Monday, April 12, 2021

Ripped Jeans


You know, I think the upper class and the rich people are a lot smarter than the average person. Let's face it, they have to be, to make people believe that wearing rags is fashionable. In the time of my parents and grandparents, men working in the coal mine, worked hard so that their children did not have to wear rags. They would be disappointed and ashamed.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Woke up yesterday  morning with all the intentions to work outside, finish off the things I had started. The temp. was only 12 C/ 53 F and windy. There are things that I started to do from my list that I haven't quite finished. The day before was garbage day for regular garbage. Allowed five garbage bags or cans. Two were filled and there was three more with cut up wood from the garden. There is still wood left to cut up for the next pickup, two weeks away. Next week is green bin.
I also started straightening out my compose bins. Not quite finished there.
Hearing a lot about slavery again. I wish they would stop blaming me, I had nothing to do with it. In fact, most of my ancestors were almost white slaves, if not to a person, at least to a company or the system. Working in the coal mine was not a posh job. Since then we've made progress and we didn't hold protest marches and we didn't loot stores. And I wonder what does it gain to burn out stores in your own neighborhood?