Over crowded prisons. We usually associate this problem with the U.S. So it comes as bit of a smackdown that we are prone to the same problem. What makes me wonder is how we arrived at this state? Has the prisoner rate to the population changed that much? Or is it because of a higher population gives more prisoners keeping the rate the same?
Although I am unable to answer these questions, the fact remains the same. Too many prisoners. Appearing to be unsolveable, the solution appeared to be as easy as falling off a log. There seems to be two classes of prisoners. Some people, not the best and the brightest, get sentences of weekend incarceration only. So the plan was hatched that depending on the amount of beds available for any given weekend, excess prisoners could get to return home after reporting in.
It's a win win situation for the prisoners. They get to stay home for the weekend and it's counted against their jail time. As far as the political parties are concerned, I didn't know about it and it's the other guy's fault. Reminds me when someone drops one in a busy room. "It wasn't me." It still stinks.
If they legalize prostitution in Nova Scotia, all the Johns will be happy, not to mention all the Tom, Dick and Harry's. Maybe the occasional Mary also.
Showing posts with label jail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jail. Show all posts
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Big Rain

Since I haven't written for so long, it looks like I went to Alcatraz and never came back. We had a great time and my son drove 2000 miles in those 10 days. Had to see and do as much as possible. Must compliment the California drivers on their courtesy. On any of those super highways, when we wanted to change lanes, there was never a problem. And we didn't even have foreign plates.
We did go to Alcatrez. Not a place you would want to spend a large part of your life. I was disappointed though about the parks dept. letting it fall apart. They don't do any repairs. I don't think they understand that when tourists go there, they want to see how it was, not how it is now. Over time ,"how it was" will be all gone and there will be nothing left but a pile of rock. And it is not like they can't afford it. The ferry carries about 500 people and comes every half hr. Fee is $24.95. In Nova Scotia, we have a number of historical spots which have been kept up. Have to think living history.
I loved the way they did the tour. Your tour guide is a tape player around your neck so you could go at your own pace. Just stop the tape if you wanted to stay longer at any spot. That's a great idea.
On another note, we had big rain yesterday. We received a month's supply of rain in one day. So I can't cut the grass today, too wet. Tomorrow is supposed to be another rainy day.
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