
Showing posts with label nova scotia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nova scotia. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Election Results.

Well, we had our provincial election yesterday with the Conservatives beating the Liberals. The new Premier is an accountant so I guess that means that we have someone who can cheat us honestly. 

In this riding we got the same guy back. A Liberal, formally a school monitor/actor. He didn't do anything for the last 8 years while his party was in power, so we definitely don't have to worry about the next 4 with his party out of power. There is a good point about him being re-elected. We save money. We don't have to pay his pension yet. So that is money saved for the next 4 years. 

We really didn't have anyone to vote for. The others running against him were worse. I don't think we voted in any strippers or drug dealers.

Friday, July 30, 2021


One thing we are guaranteed about the N.S. election, a lot of losers will be winners.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Right Hand Driving

Did you know. At 2:00 am April 15 1923, Cape Bretoners, like other Nova Scotians, stopped driving automobiles and horse-drawn vehicles on the left-hand side of the road and started driving on the right hand side. Horses were well-trained and very habitual in their trips into Canada. On reaching the middle of the bridge after the changeover, they automatically moved to the left as they had always done, causing some mayhem with motorists and others travelling south. It was some time before all of the teams had been re-trained to stay to the right for the entire trip.
The same problem apparently occurred between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in the four and a half months they had different driving laws. There were other considerations as well resulting from the changes. The History of Automobiles website reports that “Nova Scotia Tramways & Power Company Limited, which owned and operated the electric streetcar system in Halifax, sued the provincial government to recover the cost of changing the doors on all streetcars to the other side, and the cost of changes in track layout. In Lunenburg County, 1923 is still known as The Year of Free Beef; the price of beef dropped precipitously because oxen which had been trained to keep to the left could not be retrained — oxen are notoriously slow-witted — and many teamsters had to replace their oxen with new ones trained to keep to the right; the displaced oxen were sent to slaughter.”

Monday, December 23, 2019

Cannabis Edibles

On sale for the first time in Nova Scotia is Cannabis Edibles. As they were doing the interview, the camera panned across some of the products. I saw a brownie for $14.00. Gives credence to the saying that a fool and his money are soon parted.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Snow! Really?

A low pressure system is forecast to develop off the US coast and pass south of Nova Scotia overnight Saturday into Sunday.

Snow and strong winds giving reduced visibilities in blowing snow are expected to develop over much of mainland Nova Scotia overnight Saturday. As much as 10 to 15 cm of snow are forecast for Saturday night with additional snowfall expected for parts of the province on Sunday.
Rapidly accumulating snow could make travel difficult over some locations. Visibility may be suddenly reduced at times in heavy snow.

Winter storm watches are issued when multiple types of severe winter weather are expected to occur together.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Who Invented The Wonderbra?

Fog! Enough said.

I see in Nova Scotia, you can get a french licence plate now. Another one of those money grabs. Like my veteran's plate. You have to pay extra for it. They have another plate for bird lovers. I think that"s what it is. There is a picture of a bird on the plate. And of course, there are the plates you can put any name on. Some people shorten what they put on. It means something to them but no one else. Those are expensive.

There is a lot of talk lately about upgrading infrastructure. The big culprit here is the power co. I remember when I was in the air force, it was always fix electronic equipment before it broke. Doing preventive maintenance. This doesn't happen with the power co. since they went public. There is no replacing old transformers. They just wait till they fail. And that usually happens during a storm. I call it the american system. Don't spend any money unless you have to. The important thing is the bottom line. More profit means higher CEO's salary and perks, and higher dividends.

Did you know the alkaline battery was a Canadian invention?
The alkaline dry battery was invented by Canadian engineer Lewis Urry in the 1950s while working for the Eveready Battery company. So do we get credit because he was a Canadian, or do the Americans because it was in the U.S? The same thing goes for basketball. We're taking credit for both, as well as paint rollers, snowmobiles, insulin, Blackberry and Wonderbra

Jack Sakalauskas!/PensionersRant

Saturday, June 25, 2011

♫ Donald, Where's Your Trousers?♫

Rain! Enough said.

There is an article in the paper today about changing Cornwallis School's name. It's the school board who voted to change the name. It all started when one board member (who happens to be an Indian) suggested they change the name. He got the idea from a Band Chief, who has a personal vendetta against Cornwallis. Then all the Board members jumped on the wagon.

Personally, I don't think school boards should have any say in changing school names. Too easy to lead to abuse. School boards are usually run by one strong willed member, who bullies the rest. In this case it was probably, "We can't argue with a minority. People would think we are predudice. We have to accept his idea, even if it is stupid."

Read this article the other day about men's skirts. A designer, Rick Owens, is in to it. Wouldn't he be better off calling them kilts? At least he would have a built in market. Skirts for men don't seem to fly that well. I'm part Scot, but you won't see me wearing any skirt or kilt. I wouldn't force the sight of ny legs on anyone. If I wore a skirt, everyone would definately look at my legs. Hoot Mon!

There is a giant yard sale in the arena today. Have to check it out. Maybe buy some books.!/PensionersRant

Monday, June 20, 2011

Oh My Deer!

I can't believe it's sunny today. They are threatning us with 20C/69F.

The big news for us on Twitter is about a deer who jumped through a window, into a restaurant, then out through another window. That was in Halifax. People hid in the bathrooms until the deer left. I think here in Dartmouth the little dears just walk through the door. I also heard of a bear wandering around. It appears he is attracted to unclean barbacues.

So we are back on this again. the size of city council is too large. We have 23 councillors, while cities of the same size in the rest of Canada have 15 - 17. It's goes up for review every eight years, and today's the day. The last time the councillors voted on it, they voted to keep it the same. Duh! The Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board are voting on it today. Think they will fire any of their friends? I don't think there will be any volunteers.

From yesterday's post.- Kurt Arseneault I read of very few home invasions while in Texas...... Wonder if it has anything to do with the odds being pretty high that someone inside the house will have a handgun to protect themselves with? Legally!
Jack Sakalauskas That is true. Same for sports riots. I heard that sports riots happen in Canada and Europe, but not the U.S. The U.S. is the only country where shop owners have guns to protect their property.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Not A Prisoner Of Love

Over crowded prisons. We usually associate this problem with the U.S. So it comes as bit of a smackdown that we are prone to the same problem. What makes me wonder is how we arrived at this state? Has the prisoner rate to the population changed that much? Or is it because of a higher population gives more prisoners keeping the rate the same?
Although I am unable to answer these questions, the fact remains the same. Too many prisoners. Appearing to be unsolveable, the solution appeared to be as easy as falling off a log. There seems to be two classes of prisoners. Some people, not the best and the brightest, get sentences of weekend incarceration only. So the plan was hatched that depending on the amount of beds available for any given weekend, excess prisoners could get to return home after reporting in.
It's a win win situation for the prisoners. They get to stay home for the weekend and it's counted against their jail time. As far as the political parties are concerned, I didn't know about it and it's the other guy's fault. Reminds me when someone drops one in a busy room. "It wasn't me." It still stinks.

If they legalize prostitution in Nova Scotia, all the Johns will be happy, not to mention all the Tom, Dick and Harry's. Maybe the occasional Mary also.