
Showing posts with label murder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label murder. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

A Strange Murder

Yesterday, I took my wife to the doctor at the hospital. She ended up with a prescription, so that was good. I went with her but just got as far as the lobby. If she didn't need help, no need for me. Spent the next 1 1/2 hrs. sitting in the van. That was OK, had one of my readers with me. Noticed in other cars men waiting for their wives.  As for myself, after I failed the stress test, they said I needed more tests. They would be 6 hrs. long and probably not till Aug, or Sept. Got a phone call yesterday, tests next Tue. at 11:00 AM. That was fast.
Something strange happened yesterday not far from here. A woman was out jogging with her dog and the dog killed her. The Mounties came but the dog had disappeared. Searching for the dog, they found him in a ditch, dead. He had been killed by a car. Almost like a murder-suicide.
Yesterday, I finished cutting the rest of the wood from the garden. Filled five garbage cans. Too many cans for garbage pickup. Those five with my regular two is seven, only allowed five. I'll donate a couple to my neighbor.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

"Ashes of the Elements" by Alys Clare

This is the second in "The Hakenlye" series. It has an exciting opening giving you an anticipation of what is to come. But it is light reading, silly at times. Perhaps the author, on realizing this, decided to spice up the story with sex scenes, the worse being a gang rape. She also is trying to push the nun into something sexual. Not a way to make the book interesting. Gave it three stars.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

"The Lady Chapel (Owen Archer, #2)" by Candace Robb

"The Lady Chapel" is a 13th. murder mystery. It has court & political intrigue and more than enough murders to satisfy anyone. For some, justice is quick, while for some others crimes are deliberately forgotten. I had trouble with the time frames during sequences of events. Events out of sync and sequences cut short to start another thread.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Revealed At Last: Scotland Yard's Jack the Ripper Case Book

'PC.97J. NEIL reports at 3.45.a[m] 31st inst, he found the dead body of a woman lying on her back with her clothes a little above her knees...' So begins a vivid account on lined notepaper, by a Superintendent J Keating, under the heading 'Metropolitan Police'. The ink seems as fresh as a morning newspaper. Yet it is dated 31 August, 1888.

This is one of the police reports filed just hours after Jack the Ripper claimed another victim in London's East End. It is one of numerous documents relating to the Victorian killer which, after more than a century in the archives, are to go on public display for the first time.

Handwritten accounts from the scenes of the crimes, detectives' case reports, coroners' inquiry records, witness statements, photographs and letters will form the centrepiece of a major exhibition, 'Jack the Ripper and the East End', at the Museum in Docklands, London. Visitors will not be spared graphic descriptions, such as 'her throat cut from ear to ear', in the retelling of the bloody and gruesome crimes.

'They are absolutely ........