
Showing posts with label navy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label navy. Show all posts

Monday, September 13, 2021

Midshipman Bolitho and the Avenger (Richard Bolitho, #2 by Alexander Kent

The second in the Bolitho series. Home on a short leave, Bolitho is suddenly called back to serve on a small ship where his brother happens to be Captain. You would expect rivalry between the two brothers but that doesn't happen. This seems to break away from what usually happens in these kind of stories. This is the only surprise as the story falls into the type that I have seen a dozen times, a routine story with a lack of imagination.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Richard Bolitho — Midshipman (Richard Bolitho, #1) by Alexander Kent

This is the first of the Bolitho series. It is more of a short story than a novel. Being short, it doesn't waste a lot of time on dressing, although some explanations seem to be left out, making you wonder. As the story starts he already has a four year career behind him. A career that seems to have been easy going as it now takes a turn for the worse. He suddenly becomes aware of the prejudices and cruelty that surround him. The story seems to lack strength.   

Monday, August 24, 2020

Ramage's Mutiny (The Lord Ramage Novels, #8) by Dudley Pope

This was a good story. Still had some parts with excessive explanations but much better than the first few books. Not too much moaning and complaining about his girlfriend.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Ramage & the Guillotine (The Lord Ramage Novels, #6) by Dudley Pope

This is a naval story without cannon balls or battles. Although touted as naval, it is actually a spy novel but a bit boring. As usual, it has long drawn out descriptions and conversations. I noticed that the author installed in the character a dislike of the Catholic Church whether this is personal or a sign of that time we will never know. 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

"Drumbeat" by Dudley Pope.

"Drumbeat" is the second book in the Ramage series. Another remake of the Napoleonic War with the usual point of view. Although a naval story, it starts of as a romance. Ramage has a lot of internal rants, his mind obsessed with love for a girl that he has met only six days prior. He seems prone to losing ships and although a Captain, he still wants to be one of the boys. He stumbles from one obstacle to another, gifted enough to keep both himself and his crew alive.
It was an entertaining read and there were moments when I found it hard to put down. At the end the story seemed to be cut short. Could have used another chapter and I assume that will be the first chapter of the next book.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Horatio Hornblower

Watched an old movie the other day. Horatio Hornblower. When I was young, I thought this was an actual sailor. Never read any of those books. Must rectify that.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Turning Over In The Grave

Rumblings of earthquakes and volcanoes lately. But I don't think it's that. I am more inclined to believe its Napoleon and Charles de Gaulle turning over in their graves. You can probably add to that, the untold numbers of English and French soldiers from their hundreds of years of tit for tat or à bon chat, bon rat. When they all roll over at once, voila, an earthquake. And of what am I speaking, do you ask? Well, the new partnership of the English and French navies to stomp about on the same aircraft carrier at the same time on the same day. From the easy chairs of some men's club has come the idea of a joint venture of both countries using the same aircraft carrier to cut down on expenses. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?

So! What flag will it be? Both flags up at the same time, or do they take turns on a daily basis? Right of the bat, there will be an arguement. Who gets the first day? And when the sailors come on board and salute the flag, would the French salute an English flag. That would be definate grounds for a tsunami. So lets say they solve those problem and off they go into the wild blue yonder. The crew would all have to speak both languages. Imagine going into battle and the orders are in english and french. "We don't take orders from you limeys." "We don't take orders from you frogs." The war would be over, them at the bottom of the sea and still arguing.

There must be some good points for this. Just think, when they go into a foreign port, they wouldn't be fighting with the locals. They would be fighting with each other. Another good point is that when they go into a port that don't like English, they could borrow French uniforms and vice versa. What about the rum? The French would want rum too. Maybe they would rather have wine.

So I guess the biggest problem would be if the English went to war with someone and the French didn't. Even bigger than that would be if they were on different sides. At least that day, there wouldn't be any earthquakes.

On Facebook: Standing at the counter having a coffee this morning, when I noticed a smile staring at me from a glass of water.