
Showing posts with label roast beef. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roast beef. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rain And A Roast Beef Sandwich

06:30 pm.
Yes, rain all day and I had a roast beef sandwich for diner. I said in my Twitter that it was better than snow and a bologna sandwich. PensionersRant happens to be the Twitter.

So I have an order in for new glasses and now I wait for Wall-Mart to call me. I found out that my last glasses were on 24 Mar. 2004. New ones almost to the day. Time passes fast.

Tried out my lawn mower the next day to make sure it worked. It didn't. Wasn't getting any gas when I pushed the primer button. Not much can go wrong there. When I put in a new gasket, I never put on any sealant. Did that and al is well.

I spent yesterday afternoon splitting all that wood I got from the neighbour. My reward for that is a sore arm. There are still a few pieces of wood around to be cut but I have to sharpen the chainsaw first.

As I have said, it's been raining all day. Same for tomorrow. Can't do anything outside but that's ok. Sore arm and all.