
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts

Saturday, September 11, 2021

My 9/11

On that day, I was at work at the airport watching the screens in the Security Control Office. My son called me from Florida where he was at work and told me to turn on the TV. Then seeing the twin towers, I called my boss who was head of security and told him to look. A few minutes later the airport was in lockdown and all the planes started arriving. 

The strange thing is that this was my last day at work before my vacation. The next morning I was flying out to Florida to visit my son. I would be at  Newark airport at 09:30. A day earlier and I would have seen the attack. Can you just imagine me among the hundreds trying to rent a car. 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Spend your money on experiences, not possessions.

According to a 2012 study from San Francisco State University, true happiness comes from buying experiences—not more stuff. So instead of spending your paycheck on a new watch, use that money to take a trip and make some memories to last a lifetime.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Need A Plumber

      The plumber was here to see me on Friday. I have to tell you that story. The pipes for the bathtub were in an outside wall, so when the wind blew in a certain direction, they always froze. I tried different options to cure the problem - more insulation, electric cord around the pipe. etc. A couple of years ago I said enough is enough. I'm going to move the bathroom around. At one end of the tub, I put up a wall with all the pipes inside it. On one side, the pipes went to the tub taps. On the other side of the wall, they went to the sink taps. The sink taps are where the bathtub taps used to be. I figured that would do it. Surprise. When winter came, they froze again. When I looked to see what they had done, I found that they had taken the pipes in the new wall and hooked them back up to the pipes that always froze. So that is what I have to get changed again. I'm watching this time.
      I also need him to clean out the drain pipe. It's starting to make noise, the kind you hear before it plugs up. Then I need him to clean out my furnace.
He has to wait until next week he do this. I'll be away all week. Taking my daughter on another mini vacation to New Brunswick.
      I put up a photo showing the wall between the sink and tub.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Visit To P.E.I.

      Been away for the last little while. Spent four days in P.E.I. It's not for myself that I went but for my daughter. She is 42 and has Cerebral Palsy. She can't walk, talk, or do any of the things we take for granted. We have to feed her with a tube. So, we tell her that going to P.E.I. is her vacation. We can't keep her in the house all the time, and it is so much easier to take her in the new van. She can sit in the back and look out the window and at night she can sleep in a motel. She was smiling for the four days. It rained for the first two days, but she didn't mind as long as she can look out the window and see something different.
      My wife will take her away again in Aug. Her best friend lives along the ocean, and they go there for a week. Lots of noise, grand-kids, etc. Another vacation.