
Showing posts with label florida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label florida. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Coffee Trees

Climate change is altering temperatures around the globe. That includes California and Florida, where farmers and researchers are looking at growing coffee.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

My 9/11

On that day, I was at work at the airport watching the screens in the Security Control Office. My son called me from Florida where he was at work and told me to turn on the TV. Then seeing the twin towers, I called my boss who was head of security and told him to look. A few minutes later the airport was in lockdown and all the planes started arriving. 

The strange thing is that this was my last day at work before my vacation. The next morning I was flying out to Florida to visit my son. I would be at  Newark airport at 09:30. A day earlier and I would have seen the attack. Can you just imagine me among the hundreds trying to rent a car. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Butterfly Effect

states that the flapping of a butterfly's wings in Africa could result in a hurricane in Florida.
What it really means is that the tiniest change in the initial conditions of a system could snowball into gigantic efforts later on.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

World Problems

This is crazy. I think I went to bed one night and woke up in an alternate universe. My world doesn't have people wearing face masks, unable to get a haircut and no coffee at McDonald's. I used to go there once a week with a friend of mine to discuss and solve the problems of the world. Now it looks like the world will have to find its own way out of its problems.
In Mar. it was wear gloves, wear gloves, wear gloves, don't wear masks. Now it's wear the masks but don't wear gloves. You can tell that the powers to be know what they are doing.
I see  they are now telling restaurants to use outdoor space like sidewalks and parking lots to get the physical distancing. That may work fine for Florida but we actually have a winter here. I guess they are hoping all will be normal by then.
I learned a new word. Vloggers. I believe it is people who are unable to put two sentences together but have a camera.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Self Isolation

I'm free! I'm free! Well, that ends two weeks of self isolation. It was the result of my short trip to Florida as a guest of the BlueJays and West Jet. The two weeks weren't much different than my normal life if you can forget about going to church, shopping, eating out, going for coffee with friends etc. 
There is shopping for seniors from 7 am till 8 am. I don't know if there was any lineup before hand but there was the normal amount of customers in the store by the time I got there. What I noticed the most was that there was no couples and probably more men than women. Women pushing their cart with toilet paper and paper towels. The men had wagons full of food. I guess their wives will get the toilet paper tomorrow. 
We had snow last and now we have a ton of slush. Probably gone by the end of the day. 
I can't say that I will catch up on my reading, as I am never behind when where you are is arbitrary. Now that we have access to movies and shows from all over the world, there is also never a lack of T.V. to watch. No baseball to watch. It was supposed to be opening day. I was already to sit with my new hat and shirt but, I guess not. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Credit Card Maxed? So What.

The weather today is whatever forcast you pick. The picks are, cloudy, sunny, showers or stormy. They could sell lottery tickets on this.

Had to go to a funeral the other day. It happens, and the older, the more frequent. An old air force buddy died. That's the second in a month. His son was there and that was weird. Looks like his fathers twin. It was like I was talking to his father, thirty years ago.

Read this morning that Canada and India are teaming up to sell nuclear reactors. If I read it right, our part is selling the uranium with Indian technology. Now that's a scary thought. India has nuclear weapons, and do you know, that's our fault. In the 70's we sold them a reactor, and they learned how to make a bomb. This time they say, when we sell them uranium, there will be a monitoring system so they can't use it for weapons. How stupid can you be?

A third of the American news is about the woman in Florida, who has been released from jail, and another third about Murdoch. The last third is about the debt ceiling. In regard to the deby ceiling, isn't it the same as when my credit card is maxed out, and I go to the bank and ask for a new limit, so I can spend?  I don't know what all the fuss is about. Of course they are going to raise it. What it does, is worry the stock market, and when it is raised, the market can shoot up like crazy.

Lots of coverage on strollers on buses. Most cities have laws that allows only fold up strollers. But not here, too dumb. Here women go on the bus with strollers that just make it in. Then no one else gets in. So every stop on the route waits for the next bus. Duh!. City Council too busy with their own ego's to do anything.

They say shoplifting not a problem here. Maybe just smart shoplifters.

The price of ereaders going down. Saw them advertised  for $68.

Saw the other day that they are going to make colored shoes for men. To celebrate the new colors, I will buy two pair. One black and one brown.

Saw this ad yesterday Of course, I thought it was for Muslims. Actually it's Ramada Inn Nova Scotia. Don't say you wouldn't be fooled.!/PensionersRant

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Murder and Mayhem

Summer is here, probably for a short stay.

When I opened the newspaper this morning, all I could see was murder & mayhem. Downtown Halifax, yesterday afternoon, two guys hit another on the head with an axe. Then there was the guy, with a bat and a couple of other items, headed into the hospital, th whack his 59 yr. old wife and two children. They stopped him at the door. A couple of shootings ans a couple of court trials, where murderers are set free. I don't know if the one in Florida is a murderer or not, but the one in Montreal certainly is. Stabbed his two children. Set free because he wasn't in his right mind. I wouldn't want someone not in their right mind living next to me. Oh crap, there is someone like that next door. I better get a guard cat or something.

I see the highland games are going on and I noticed from photos that men do wear something under their kilts. It reminds me of a photo I saw recently with Queen Elizabeth sitting with a regiment. The front row was sitting on chairs and it was quite visible no soldier wore anything under his kilt.  So, is it true or not?

Jack Sakalauskas!/PensionersRant

Monday, March 7, 2011

Gadhafi Duck

Temp is 7C/45F and windchill feels the same. It appears they only put the windchill in if it's below 0C.

In the newspaper, it must be Gadhafi Day. I have never seen a man's name spelt so many ways. On CNN yesterday, it started with a H. The whole thing is starting to look like Daffy Duck.

Here's something that really riles me. They know Gadhafi is responsible for the Pam Am bombing, still they suck up to him for years. Now they are all over Prince Andrew. Lets chastize him, he's friends with Gadhafi's son. What a bunch of crap. The British Government says, "Hey, we have to suck up to Gadhafi. Better pull out the big guns. Andrew, you get the short straw. Buddy, buddy up with them."

The Americans are just as bad. Now its, "Oh, we are going to start an investigation into Gadhafi's involvement in the Pan Am bombing." What a bunch. Well, that's enough of Gadhafi Duck. Where is Lawrence of Arabia when you need him?

Starting to protest in Cairo again. I knew that was coming. This is far from over. I'm waiting for Saudi Arabia to start. Then watch oil prices, then everything else. When the Arabs find out all this protesting doesn't bring them the "pie in the sky", you know what will happen. It will be our fault and they start on us.

Read this headline. "UK to send team of spies to help oust Gadhafi." Wow!. So much for secrecy.

Motorists illegally detained at Florida tolls - for using large bills! How about that? Guy tried to pay with a $100. bill. Someone doesn't know, they don't give out small bills from the bank machines. Here, they jumped it up to giving fifties.