

Monday, June 7, 2010

Darn That Twitter

April 26, 2010

It’s almost a month since I put something on this Blog. And I’m putting all the blame on Twitter. I put something on there every day because it is easier to make a fast blurb.

We had two weeks of good weather and then it rained for two weeks. My wife cleaned out the basement. This year, it was more cleaning out than moving around. Took all the old electronics to the recycling place. Have to find out if they take old vcr tapes. I think they do and I sure have a bundle. Looked like a good idea at the time. Now I can put 12 movies on a small memory stick.

Got two working lawn mowers and I have cut the lawn once. We are not allowed to use Weed n’ Feed here, so everyone has a dandelion problem. Got some stuff the other day that you mix with water. See how that works.

My neighbour gave me her woodpile. She has never used any since I cut down her trees and piled it for her. Not all was still good. Split what was needed, packed it away and will use it this winter. Think I have about five years of firewood packed around the yard.

Put in three fence posts the other day. There are a few every spring. Best time to do it. Ground is wet. Pull out one and stick the new one in. Have to get the chain saw out and cut them down to the same size. Might do that today.

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