
Showing posts with label Iran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iran. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

"On Wings of Eagles" by Ken Follett


Of course I remember this incident from the NEWS of the time but reading an account of it gives it a different perspective. If you are expecting something like a Rambo rescue, you will be disappointed. The main theme of the book is the negotiations involved to get the men out of prison which was a hard road to travel. When that was finally accomplished by other means, the problem was to get them out of the country. 

The book is an adventure story, written by a great storyteller, problems arise and are solved. All are heroes (after all, they are Americans), strength overcomes all weaknesses and we even have a happy ending. There are things you have to take with a grain of salt but you still have to admire Ross Perot.