
Showing posts with label adventure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adventure. Show all posts

Monday, September 20, 2021

Winter Territory (Get Jack Reacher, #2) by Scott Blade

 This is a Reacher story that one could mistake for a young Jack Reacher although he might appear a bit naïve and immature. The series is an attempt to copy the style of Lee Child but falls short. At times the sentences are short and sharp but for the most part they revert to normal information. Parts of the story are inconsistent, the author forgetting former remarks. Some sentences are just plain silly while others are absurd.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Ramage's Prize (The Lord Ramage Novels, #5) - Dudley Pope

The only thing that kept my interest in this book was the information on the Packet Boats. Although it is based on true events, we have to take it with a grain of salt. I skimmed through pages of descriptions and conversations, like the discourse with the agent in Lisbon. Just a jumble of words. If the next book doesn't improve, I'll have to ditch this series.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

"Bear Island" by Alistair MacLean

This was a very difficult book to keep an interest in. Most of the book seemed to drag along. I wonder why he would have two characters with the same name, with a silly way to tell them apart. Made it difficult to know who he was talking about. Peaked my interest only at the end. Needed a long monologue to explain all that went on.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Golden Rendezvous by Alistair MacLean

The Golden Rendezvous is a modern tale of pirates. A tramp steamer, with the absurd idea of having A1+ cabins for the ultra rich, meanders from port to port. It is hijacked by some of its own passengers and sails on with murder and mayhem to an expected destination. After a slow start, it is fast paced with excitement reminiscent of James Bond.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hunger Games

Warm today. 25C/77F. I won't be jumping the gun and put away the snow shovel. It's only March. Sat it's supposed to be 6C/43F.

The newspaper is filled with "Hunger Games." No difference than the time of the Roman Empire. Entertainment to keep the nincompoops occupied. I think there are three books, catering to teenage girls. As Col. Klink would say,"You vill vatch this movie and you vill enjoy it."

You know when you get those pictures called "Wal-Mart people?" This morning I was in Wal-Mart. My wife was looking for something while I sat and had a coffee. As I sat there watching everyone, I became a firm believer that there are Wal-Mart people.

I just read the other day that in Sweden they are doing away with paper money. As a point of interest, they were the first to have paper money. So, to get on the bus, you'll need a ticket, or use your cell phone to make a payment. And in church? in church you'll have to swipe your card. Seems to me that might take some time. Then again, how many feed the collection?

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