
Showing posts with label election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label election. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Election Results.

Well, we had our provincial election yesterday with the Conservatives beating the Liberals. The new Premier is an accountant so I guess that means that we have someone who can cheat us honestly. 

In this riding we got the same guy back. A Liberal, formally a school monitor/actor. He didn't do anything for the last 8 years while his party was in power, so we definitely don't have to worry about the next 4 with his party out of power. There is a good point about him being re-elected. We save money. We don't have to pay his pension yet. So that is money saved for the next 4 years. 

We really didn't have anyone to vote for. The others running against him were worse. I don't think we voted in any strippers or drug dealers.

Friday, October 9, 2020

The Biden Campaign

The Democrat campaign reminds me of Biden driving a car. The reporters are pushing the car, the Democrat party is pulling the car, Biden is sitting in the car without his hands on the wheel, while someone unseen is steering the car, mostly to the left. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mint Tea In Marrakesh

That's it, the election is over. The silent majority will be quiet for another four years, or maybe five. With a majority, they can screw us over good. No one can complain because we said we wer tired of voting so often.

You have to laugh at some candidates who won. The NDP really didn't expect to win so many seats, and some people entered the race, just so the spot wouldn't be empty. The one who stands out the most is the assistant bar manager from Ottawa, who ran for a seat in Quebec, and doesn't speak French. During the five week campaign she went to Las Vegas on vacation. She never gave any speeches, held any news conferences, and it appears she never even visited the riding. So, is this an example of, "Some people are trust into greatness," or "You deserve what you get."

The second part of my story came out last week. I'm waiting for it to show up on Amazon. You feel more legitimate when it shows up there. They asked for part 3 yesterday, so that is now in there. There are six parts and I have completed all of them. Now I am working on a book about two teens going on vacation to Morocco. I wrote about them sitting in a cafe in Marrakesh, drinking mint tea, and a couple of days later I read in the paper, the cafe was bombed. Not my fault, even though the terrorists are after these guys.

It's still raining here, as it has for a couple of weeks, and will all this week. Grass definately needs cutting.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Politicking For th Next Six Weeks.

What am I doing up at 5:AM? And to top it off, I look out the window, and the ground is white. Maybe that happens every night, and by the time I get up at 7:AM, it is all gone. We'll see at 7:AM. While I was drinking my coffee, I looked out and it was still there.

The first installment of my story "A Slice of Time" called "Beyond the Fog" was published last Tue. That was very exciting. I'm just finishing off the last part now. That part doesn't come out till Sept. Time to start another one. Fantasy again, though I do have a cowboy one, with one chapter finished.

Oh boy! Another election. We didn't need one. Everything is going along smoothly. So we will end up with a minority again. Then the plan will be to form a government from the other parties, Which has never happened before. The Liberal leader, Michael Ignatieff is so despirate to be Prime Minister, he would even do it with a coalition involving the Bloc Quebecois, a seperatist party. Now that's asking for trouble. The other parties that join, know they will never lead the country, but now they have a chance to get a piece of the pie.

I don't like the way Prime Minister operates, but the head of the Liberal party is a dink, the Bloc party want to take Quebec out of Canada, the NDP party thinks everyone should be in a union and we should have everything free, and the Green party is just that, and lets not chop down any trees.

And how is the "not war" in Libya going on. Those dummies. Now they are in a hole and it is only going to get deeper. Us "Crusaders" are now at war with three Arab countries, with others in the pipeline. Just a matter of time before it's "Hey, they are waging a war against Islam, and we didn't even see it."

Read this, "Prince William slips off for secret stag weekend..." Can't be that secret if it's on the front page of Drudge.