
Showing posts with label ice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ice. Show all posts

Sunday, November 21, 2021



When I woke up this morning the temp. was +1 C. I hesitate calling that a +

Friday, December 6, 2019

Windshield Wipers

When I went outside the other day and hopped into my van, I noticed a bit of snow on the windshield. Not thinking too much about it, I started up the engine and 'crack ', the wipers went across the glass and one kept going out onto the driveway. It seems that the day before I had neglected to turn off the wipers all the way. Under the snow was a bit of ice that froze the wipers to the glass. Hence the loud crack when the wipers broke free from the ice. 
My son came out, found the parts and put it back together. So, lesson learned, at least for that day.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Flash Freeze

     Flash freeze is not a term that I am very familiar with - until yesterday. Two nights ago we had a bit of snow, 3-4 ins. Next, there was a bit of freezing rain. Then, the temperature dropped 10 degrees and everything wet, froze. The driveway, walkways with the 3-4 ins. plus small snowdrifts turned to ice. The van and car looked like two ice cubes. Ice all around, and the hood, windshield and roof wore a covering of 3-4 in. of ice.
    I had to let the vehicles run for about 45 min. to get the bottom of the ice heated. Then I could slide the ice away. I eventually cleared the roof of the car. The van still has a block of ice on the roof.
    That was yesterday. Today it is raining, and it is supposed to rain all day. Hopefully, I can clear the van because tonight we are getting another 12 ins. of snow.
    Of course, the snowplow had to go through early yesterday morning, forming a two foot wall at the end of my driveway. My snow blower was useless. Wished I had my coal-mining ancestors to dig that out.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

We Have Snow?

Yes, it snowed yesterday. I wasn't expecting it. Looked like about four inches. My doctor says no shoveling snow or heavy lifting for six weeks. Four weeks to go. After two weeks, I am allowed to drive, so I did that. Wouldn't you know, the roads turned to a sheet of ice. Took a few back roads to get home. Braking at a stop sign was slide time. I heard there were a lot of accidents.

Things are a little more painful with me today. Must have run around a little too much yesterday. Better settle down for a few days.

Pulled back the patio door curtains this morning and there was a fur face staring at me. The neighbours cat. Pretended I didn't see him. He has a very bad habit of climbing on the counter, opening one of the doors and licking the butter/margarine.

Later on as I was having my breakfast, my wife says " I let the cat in, you better put a lid on the margarine on the counter." At the word margarine, he tore off to the kitchen. I had to make a mad dash to get the cover on. Who says cats don't understand, they understand just fine, they just don't listen.