
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 I was reading a book yesterday and the mother asks her son to read some of "Paradise Lost". This book was written by john Milton. I have the TV on and it's about Hurricane Milton. He writes about paradise lost and a lot of people look at Florida as paradise.

Sunday, November 21, 2021



When I woke up this morning the temp. was +1 C. I hesitate calling that a +

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Snow Storm

Well, we had our big snow storm on Sat. The forecast was for 16 ins. starting at 10 am. As I watched the weather map on T.V, I saw that there was snow all around us, while we were in a long stripe of no snow. As it turned out, the snow didn't start falling until 5 pm. Seven hours of no snow made a big difference. Around us did get the18 ins. We received a lot less snow, but the high winds did kick up some small snow banks.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Credit Card Maxed? So What.

The weather today is whatever forcast you pick. The picks are, cloudy, sunny, showers or stormy. They could sell lottery tickets on this.

Had to go to a funeral the other day. It happens, and the older, the more frequent. An old air force buddy died. That's the second in a month. His son was there and that was weird. Looks like his fathers twin. It was like I was talking to his father, thirty years ago.

Read this morning that Canada and India are teaming up to sell nuclear reactors. If I read it right, our part is selling the uranium with Indian technology. Now that's a scary thought. India has nuclear weapons, and do you know, that's our fault. In the 70's we sold them a reactor, and they learned how to make a bomb. This time they say, when we sell them uranium, there will be a monitoring system so they can't use it for weapons. How stupid can you be?

A third of the American news is about the woman in Florida, who has been released from jail, and another third about Murdoch. The last third is about the debt ceiling. In regard to the deby ceiling, isn't it the same as when my credit card is maxed out, and I go to the bank and ask for a new limit, so I can spend?  I don't know what all the fuss is about. Of course they are going to raise it. What it does, is worry the stock market, and when it is raised, the market can shoot up like crazy.

Lots of coverage on strollers on buses. Most cities have laws that allows only fold up strollers. But not here, too dumb. Here women go on the bus with strollers that just make it in. Then no one else gets in. So every stop on the route waits for the next bus. Duh!. City Council too busy with their own ego's to do anything.

They say shoplifting not a problem here. Maybe just smart shoplifters.

The price of ereaders going down. Saw them advertised  for $68.

Saw the other day that they are going to make colored shoes for men. To celebrate the new colors, I will buy two pair. One black and one brown.

Saw this ad yesterday Of course, I thought it was for Muslims. Actually it's Ramada Inn Nova Scotia. Don't say you wouldn't be fooled.!/PensionersRant

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Your Old School Bus

Today it's 3C/37F and feels like  -2C/28F. It was supposed tp rain, but now it's changed to tomorrow.

Ever wonder what happens to old school buses? At least some of them? Two decommissioned Annapolis Valley regional school board buses have found a new home in Cameroon, Africa.The buses were requested by Rotary International to be used for government and private schools there. The buses will join two other former Valley board buses that were sent to Cameroon last year.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff were attending an event Friday evening hosted by the Indian high commission to launch The Year of India in Canada. What the heck! A year. Even Black Culture only gets a month. How about a year of white culture? The people who actually built the country. Except for the Chinese, who built the railroad.

You expect a weather forcast and you expect it to be wrong. And we all laugh about it. But why should it be wrong? We spend a lot of money on people and equipment, and there should be some return. When I went to bed last night, it was supposed to rain today. Now, it's going to rain tomorrow. Maybe. It's not just us. Sweden’s environment minister has had enough of unreliable weather forecasts, blaming the country’s meteorology service for too many misses and demanding a shape-up in predictions.

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore is urging Wisconsin residents to fight Republican-backed efforts to strip most public workers of their union. I wonder if they are getting anywhere.

How did the company Sharp get its name? It got its name from inventing the mechanical pencil in 1915.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Conversation with My Wife

Conversation this morning:

Jack: "I'm cooking bacon."

Betty: "Not too much."

Jack : "I'm cooking the whole package."

Betty: "6, not more, not less."

Jack: "I'm talking about bacon."

Betty: "I'm talking about tonight's weather."

Saturday, July 10, 2010

On The Ark With Rocky

The weather this morning says it is going to rain for seven days. Doesn't worry me. When I built my patio, I didn't attach it to the house. Sure, my neighbours laugh, but they laughed at Noah too. So far I've signed up the next door neighbours cat.

First thing in the morning is too read the obituary column, the the tv schedule. Notice how the two are somewhat similar. A couple of nights ago, with all repeats, I watched a boxing match. I should say up front that my perception of the match was probably tainted because I watched "Rocky" the day before. It was for middleweights. 27/24 wins, 16/14 KO's, o losses. In this match arms were flying in all directions. The only knockdown was when the opponent got slapped in the back of the head. When the champ wanted to throw a punch, he leapt ahead about the lenght of two paces and threw a roundhouse. What footwork, what finesse. I say again how I am warped by Rocky and possibly wrestling, but these guys had legs like toothpicks. They should be embarassed to wear shorts. And biceps, or lack of, so as Arnold would say,"These are Girlie Men."

Spent this week working on my van. Had to do some bodywork. It's a stop and go job. Took it to the carwash yesterday, so all I have to do is clean the windows inside. So that project is finished. And the next one will be to put power into my shed. My neighbour gave me a Skil electric drill. Said someone gave it to him and that it didn't work. Thought that maybe I could fix it for myself. Easy fix. Doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it. Guess I have one for the house another for the shed.