
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

Saturday, June 25, 2011

♫ Donald, Where's Your Trousers?♫

Rain! Enough said.

There is an article in the paper today about changing Cornwallis School's name. It's the school board who voted to change the name. It all started when one board member (who happens to be an Indian) suggested they change the name. He got the idea from a Band Chief, who has a personal vendetta against Cornwallis. Then all the Board members jumped on the wagon.

Personally, I don't think school boards should have any say in changing school names. Too easy to lead to abuse. School boards are usually run by one strong willed member, who bullies the rest. In this case it was probably, "We can't argue with a minority. People would think we are predudice. We have to accept his idea, even if it is stupid."

Read this article the other day about men's skirts. A designer, Rick Owens, is in to it. Wouldn't he be better off calling them kilts? At least he would have a built in market. Skirts for men don't seem to fly that well. I'm part Scot, but you won't see me wearing any skirt or kilt. I wouldn't force the sight of ny legs on anyone. If I wore a skirt, everyone would definately look at my legs. Hoot Mon!

There is a giant yard sale in the arena today. Have to check it out. Maybe buy some books.!/PensionersRant

Thursday, June 23, 2011

It Is What It Is, and That's How It Is

You can have the sun, and still not have warm weather. 12C/54F

They are at it again. Name changing. I wish people would get over this crap. It happened 250 years ago. Quit moaning about it. I guess its like, I win, I got the last word in. First a school , then a street, then what? I don't imagine it will be names after any white man.

If you are a white man, you are definately on the bottom of the ladder now. In Halifax, they lowered the entrance exams for fire fighters so blacks could qualify. That's what I like to hear. If my house is burning down, send the stupid people to put it out. For government, everyone else qualifies first. Then again, that's the government. They have seminars on slowness.

Let's say Canada was discovered by another race, other than white, where would we be now. Like African nations, Arab nations, or India? Our own indians hadn't even discouvered the wheel by the time the white man came. As for Asians, they copied everything from the whites.

And don't go calling me a racist. It's just is what it is. Some men lose their hair faster than others. That's just the way it is.

Along the same line, another thing that irks me is the statement, "Over qualified for the job."
I never heard of anything so stupid. "I don't want to hire you, I would rather hire a dumber person."
Or, "Instead of you, I can hire ten in India, and maybe the ten of them together will get the job done."
You would think it would be, "If I can get the best person possible, my company will do better."
In reality its, "If I can hire the cheapest person possible, I can put more money in my pocket."!/PensionersRant

Friday, September 24, 2010

Simple Rules For Simple People

Went for my two mile walk this morning. In and around sub-divisions, you make mental notes about what you see. We have a school at one end of the street and a pizza place at the other end. And the two do come together, mostly on peoples lawns. There is a very distinct indication when the school year is in. Litter on all the lawns. Fries, pizzas and large soft drink containers. What do I get from all that crap. A picture of diabetes on the move. And a large percentage of the students are well on the way.
Last Monday was garbage pick-up day. So according to Hoyle, there should be no refuse on the sidewalks. That works well when you think about it, but not too well in actual practice. If there is a way to screw this up, people will. There is the "I am important, special attention person." They put their stuff out after the truck has gone by. There it sits, waiting for the bylaw police to wander by and give them a ticket. A ticket that will be complained about and then paid.
Then there are the people who put stuff out any which way and loose. We have simple rules for apparently simple people. But even simple rules are sometime not simple enough.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

School Days. School Days. Good Old Golden Rule Days

Tue. morning. Should be a nice day. Sunny with a little wind. Sounds like a grass cutting day. Can't start yet, though. Don't want to wake up the neighbours.

The top story in our newspaper today is about kids in school. It appears that the math test marks are too low. But our educators have a solution for that. Our great and wise have decided that the marks are too low because the bar is set too high. How do like that for a solution? Wait a minute now. We had that test three years ago and guess what? They decided that the bar was too high. I don't know if lowering the bar each time is a good plan. Would we then be graduating idiots? Perhaps we are already at that stage. Ever go to a store and have someone count change back to you, without the use of a cash register. That's pretty scarey.It appears that the educators never paid attention when they went to school. "These teachers don't know what they are talking about. I know better than them. And when I grow up and become a teacher, I'm going to show them." And they certainly have.

Read the other day that they are sending down to he Gulf area a local prof. who is an economist and whatever else. He is going down with The Economic Development Council. And he was asked because Nova Scotia has physical, economic and cultural similarities to Louisiana. The only similarity I see is that some of their ancestors came from Nova Scotia.

They are going down for three days to assess the economic recovery needs. First of all I think they have enough Americans that can do that. The people living there know better than anyone what is required. Who is paying for all this? Did someone have their hand in my wallet? Looks like a bunch of guys, doing the same job, getting together at someone else's expense. Getting photos and getting fodder for a university lecture, a newspaper article and whatever else.

There was this picture in the some paper the other day about a vegetarian protesting eating meat. She was dressed as a lettuce. The article said she wanted to turn over a new leaf. What they mean is that she wants us to turn over a new leaf.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Teachers Admit Strapping Pupils

It's another case of corporal punishment traditions colliding with the law.

But this time there were no courthouse protests.

Rather, there was courtroom support for a principal and a kindergarten teacher of an Aylmer-area Mennonite school.

Johan Penner, 30, principal at the Old Colony Christian School, pleaded guilty to six counts of assault with a weapon -- a brown belt without a buckle.

Anna Klassen, 42, pleaded guilty to one count.

Supporting them was a large group of people from their Mennonite community.

"They are gentle people, they are peace-loving people, which makes it more interesting that they be in a court of law on something like this," said their lawyer, Gord Cudmore.

"It is the last place they would find themselves and, quite frankly, it's the last place they should be.".....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Too Much Homework ?

Homework is an accepted part of children’s coursework, starting as early as first grade. But how much is too much?

Homework -- the traditional bane of a school-age child's existence -- is once again coming under fire. Some influential researchers say homework does little to improve a student's academic abilities. Others believe homework is excessive, and doing more harm than good.

The National PTA suggests children in kindergarten through second grade receive 10-20 minutes of homework each night. In grades three through six, that recommended amount increases to 30-60 minutes nightly. In middle and high school, the amount depends on the number and level of difficulty of classes a student takes.

At the turn of the century, homework was actually outlawed in some areas because it was considered child labor. The theory was to simply let kids be kids. But Sputnik and the space race changed everything. Almost overnight, educators were scrambling to fill the "education gap" with the Soviet Union.

Nine-year-old Andrew has so much homework that his stepmother, a teacher herself, says, “at times it is overwhelming.” Every day, including weekends, the fourth grader has at least 1½ hours of work to do. Some days it takes him two hours or more to finish up. Not surprisingly, this workload has dampened his enthusiasm for school.

A retired school teacher is spreading a message most students would agree with – kids in Alberta have too much homework.
“There’s huge amount of stress on families. And I see homework as the icing on the family stress cake,” said Vera Goodman, a Calgary-based author with more than 30 years of teaching behind her.

Some teachers sometimes overdo the work load. All factors need to be considered and sometimes teachers forget to do that.

And for every parent who thinks there's too much homework, however, there is another who feels her child needs more.