
Showing posts with label bread. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bread. Show all posts

Monday, May 29, 2023



Occasionally I eat rye bread, sometimes multi-grain but my bread of choice is white. That may sound surprising but this bread differs from the white bread that everyone enjoys. This one is Rustico bread, a round loaf, made from barley flour, baked in a stone-deck oven for a crisp golden crust and a light and airy interior, meaning it has more holes than normal bread. A courser bread to chew on, what I call a more manly bread and when toasted it has a crunch to it. 

Bread made from barley flour is a nutritious and flavorful alternative to traditional wheat bread. Barley is an ancient grain that has been cultivated for thousands of years and is known for its rich, nutty taste. It contains several important nutrients, such as dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

To make bread from barley flour, you can follow a similar process to making wheat bread.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

A Film Noir

You often hear of a film noir or a book noir. Well yesterday I had a breakfast noir, my bread got caught in the toaster.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Some of One

This morning I asked my wife if she bought bread yesterday and she said "some". I asked her how many was that and she said "one|". So my question is, can one be some? 
I've thought about it and found where this is true. You can say, " I bought one car and it is some car". 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Toaster Autopsy Report.

I did my autopsy on GE yesterday. I can do this myself  because in the Air Force I was an electronics tech. So this was a piece of cake. That reminds me. I want to thank all the seniors who paid taxes because it was their taxes that paid for my training. That out of the way, now on to the autopsy. I'm happy to say it was not a homicide so my son is off the hook. It came down to cholesterol. I think it was all that white bread he toasted before it became cholesterol free and we switched to whole wheat and multi-grain.
One of the veins was burnt out and had to be replaced. With the new cord, he went back to work with no sick leave. As a point of interest, I found a blog entry where I had fixed this toaster 10 yrs. ago. At that time I had written that it was 42 yrs. old. It was also a cord at that time also.
Here is a picture of my toaster with his friends showing of his new cord. What a publicity hound.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Loaf of Bread

My wife is out stuffing the turkey with a loaf of bread from the "Atlantic Superstore." I noticed the price. It was $2.59, best before date was Dec 18. There was also a half-price sticker. So she paid $1.30. Then I saw that there was another sticker under it. That price said $1.25,  Again, there was a sticker under that. It said $2.49, best before date Dec. 18. A lot of time spent on that one loaf of bread.