
Showing posts with label california. Show all posts
Showing posts with label california. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Coffee Trees

Climate change is altering temperatures around the globe. That includes California and Florida, where farmers and researchers are looking at growing coffee.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

                     1985 California Prune Board Magazine Ad              

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed'

Christopher Weber, The Associated Press                                     

LOS ANGELES -- No, Los Angeles residents, it wasn't your hangovers playing tricks on you. The Hollywood sign really did read "HOLLYWeeD" for a few hours on New Year's Day.
Police were investigating Sunday after a prankster used giant tarps to turn the iconic sign's two white Os into Es sometime overnight.
The vandal, dressed in all black, was recorded by security cameras and could face a misdemeanour trespassing charge, said Sgt. Robert Payan.
The person scaled a protective fence surrounding the sign above Griffith Park and then clambered up each giant letter to drape the coverings, Payan said.
The prank may be a nod to California voters' approval in November of Proposition 64, which legalized the recreational use of marijuana, beginning in 2018.
Hikers and tourists in the hills spent the morning snapping photos of themselves in front of the altered sign before park rangers began removing the tarps.
"It's kind of cool being here at the moment," Bruce Quinn told KABC-TV. "I thought we came to see the Hollywood sign, not the' Hollyweed' sign. But hey it's OK with me!"
While attention-grabbing, the prank was not exactly original. Forty-one years ago to the day -- Jan. 1, 1976 -- a college student similarly altered the sign, using curtains to make it read "HOLLYWEED."

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Friend Or Unfriend? That Is The Option.

Sure is a big change in temperature since last week. Sunday morning and its 12C/53F. There was no in between. Air Show this weekend. Everyone got wet yesterday. We went to a church dinner last evening and a good time was had by all. My daughter was sick while we were away and she is still sick today. Bed ridden since she was born and 37 now, she is starting to have more problems.

No Qur'an burning yesterday. The Muslims are so happy, they will probably go out and burn some Bibles. Oh, they were going to do that anyway. They can do all that crap and no one says anything. With them, there is only one side to an arguement, theirs. With us, no matter what they do, you have to discuss it. Did you know that the Americans sent a whole whack of Bibles over to their troops last year but the Army burnt them because they didn't want to piss off the Afgans. That's what I call compromise. I just found out that there was some Qur'an burning but on a small scale. People trying to get their fifteen minutes of fame. I guess that will put a price on their asses.

That was some gas explosion in California. What really got me was the photo from 2007. It showed a chalk mark circle on the road where there might be a problem. Sure enough, that's where it blew up. Imagine. Just sitting in your house, minding your own business and boom, gone. Looks like there will be a lot of busy lawyers.

Have you ever been unfriended on Facebook? They tell me that for some it is a very unsettling experience. In my opinion this is a very bad move. Especially if they are relatives. The next day, you are probably saying to yourself that you shouldn't have done it. And how will you ever be able to hold up your face at the next family funeral? As far as being in the will, well you've certainly screwed that. And what if that person wins the lottery? You'll be kicking your ass for the rest of your life. And what does it show about you? Well, I guess you're opiniated. Your opinion is right and everyone else is wrong. And you thought you were so cool. A person of the world, able to accept others opinions and let them roll off your back. Sorry, I guess you're not that way. You are just as stupid and ego oriented as the rest of us. There is another way of doing this unfriending business. All you have to do is block the person. Then you are still on the list of friends but you don't have to read any of their crap. You can always sneak back and check them out. And it would still be a go for the lottery and will.

So send out invites to those you axed. Tell them you were just cleaning up and that stupid Facebook took some of your people.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Migrant Workers or Welfare Beer Drinkers?

Friday morning of what promises to be a nice day, as far as weather is concerned. Yesterday I thought would be a good day to start cleaning my shed out. Put a green garbage bin outside and proceeded to fill it. So what started off in the morning as prized possessions  for repairs etc, ended the day as garbage. I'm sure that some of the items will be classified in the future as a "why did I throw that out item." Some items like four van tires, I will sell and others will go to Value Village. I'm not putting a time frame on this because some days I am more fed up with my storage area and I become the mad slasher.

A few years ago when I was coming back from California, there were a number of Mexicans on the plane. At customs they were asked if they could speak French or English. When the answer was no, they were welcomed with open arms. Me, on the other hand, having the appearance of a druglord, was roasted. Finding only Lipitor, I was greeted with a "Welcome Home." On hearing that, I realized what situation I was in. You have to know that they can't let everyone in without asking any questions. They have to ask someone. And that would be someone who will give them the right answers.  They don't want to pick the wrong guy and up with mountains of paperwork or worse. And I'll tell you something important. Don't trry and start a conversation with them. Then you are asking for trouble.

At that time I didn't learn much about the Mexicans but now I have that all cased. Migrant workers are what they were. We use migrant workers in Nova Scotia to pick strawberries. They come from Mexico and Jamica. Having these workers is part of our foreign aid program to these countries. I have to admit that's pretty smart. Giving the money to the workers rather than passing a cheque to the government. Not only that, the foreign governments pay for part of the medical expenses. So they have return airfare, housing, medical and are paid at Canadian wage levels. It sends a lot of oney back to their families.

Why do we have to resort to migrant workers? Like our American cousins, our people are too lazy to do the work. They would rather stay on welfare. One school of thought would have the welfare taken away and make them go to work. But would you really want to do that? Do you really want to send someone who spends his time sitting on his ass drinking beer out to pick strawberries? Cheaper to fly in Mexicans. Now don't get me wrong.  In some cases welfare is needed but in other cases people make a career of it.

Facebook entry for today: Once they were my brothers, now they are just called my relatives.
(Think about that one.)