
Showing posts with label china. Show all posts
Showing posts with label china. Show all posts

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Chinese Cultural Revolution 2.0

Have you noticed the blank spots on store shelves? Things are getting scarce. If you are buying for Christmas, you should do it now. Things are really going to get scarce. China has started the Cultural Revolution #2. Years back the country was destitute, everyone starving and poor. At that point they decided to let in Capitalism. We went in and our money built their factories, their infrastructure and their military. Now they are far enough ahead and no longer need us. Time to take on the west. 

They are doing away with all forms of decadence, movie stars, pop stars and some billionaires have disappeared. They have already started closing down factories. And of course they sent us the virus which has yet to come to full bloom.

Our political leaders are really dumb and our Captains of industry are so greedy. The factories are all gone and they can't be built overnight. We can't build a darn thing.

Saw a film yesterday telling us that the U.S. government is offering farmers 1 1/2 times the value of their crops if they destroy them. If they don't, they won't be getting subsidy payments next year. Trying to create a food shortage? Somebody has sold out to somebody. 

The NEWS broadcasters spend most of the TV hours talking about the virus. Telling us every possible combination of patients, one province after the other, hours and hours, determined to scare the shit out of us. Except for forest fires or floods, you don't know one other thing that is going on. Riots in France, protests in England and don't even think about Australia. We are all in deep shit and you are to blame. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Friday, December 13, 2019

Red Phoenix by Andrew Warren

Thomas Caine seems to be an ex CIA agent with PTSD, which gives the book a roller-coaster ride of twists and turns. Some of the scenes of a monster truck and an attacking crane are a bit far fetched. The book starts with Caine out for revenge and when the book finishes, after a large stack of bodies, he is still on the same route.

Friday, November 29, 2019


This is the 11th. book with Jason Bourne. As always it is a never ending roller coaster of Bourne's fights and escapes. The story takes place mostly in Mexico with side trips to Israel and China. He is on the path of revenge for the death of his loved one, resulting in the death of almost every character in the book, friend or foe. More room for new characters in the next book. I like the short write ups on the progress of each character as the story moves on, all aspects of the story gets filled in, each character on its own path, heading for the inevitable crash. And to top it all off, the surprise ending was a surprise.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Making of a Superpower

I read some bad news the other day, I had a hard time believing. It seems the Ameicans are running out of big rocks. Yes, its hard to believe, but it appears to be true. I am referring to the big rocks, they make monuments from. They do make a lot of monuments, sort of like the Victorian era in England, when they made a lot of statues. It makes me wonder if this carving up of rocks is another sign of the end times.

Rome made lots of statues, momuments and buildings, then plop, down the drain. England, the same way, plop, down the drain. The Martin Luther King statue is the latest. I don't have anything against M.L.K. But the thing is, they bought the rock from China. I don't know about you, but to me it just doesn't seem right. I can see if they bought the rock in Africa, that would be okay.

It also appears, they have no more artists in the U.S, capable of making that sculpture. Maybe it just falls in line with the policy that they have to give all their jobs to someone else. Not only do we (them and us) send all the jobs to China (& India) we also send the factories. Remember the movie "Terminator"? The end has a hand crawling through a steel mill. Do you know where that steel mill is now? It was chopped up and taken to China. They did the same with a steel mill in Sydney and a oil refinery her in Dartmouth.

Sound like good policy? It might be a good policy for greed. After all, the upper class figure they can buy their way out of anything, so might as well grab as much as you can.


Monday, March 24, 2008

Can Eggs Make You Smarter?

Like your poached egg and whole-wheat toast in the morning? Your brain might enjoy it, too.

Eating selenium-rich foods -- like eggs -- could help keep your memory sharp and your brain speed on high as you age.

Your Brain on SeleniumIn rural China, researchers found that elderly people who got at least the U.S. recommended daily value of selenium (about 55 micrograms per day) had cognitive test scores that put them in a league with people 10 years younger.

Super Sources

You can get your daily dose of selenium ...