
Saturday, May 30, 2020

World Problems

This is crazy. I think I went to bed one night and woke up in an alternate universe. My world doesn't have people wearing face masks, unable to get a haircut and no coffee at McDonald's. I used to go there once a week with a friend of mine to discuss and solve the problems of the world. Now it looks like the world will have to find its own way out of its problems.
In Mar. it was wear gloves, wear gloves, wear gloves, don't wear masks. Now it's wear the masks but don't wear gloves. You can tell that the powers to be know what they are doing.
I see  they are now telling restaurants to use outdoor space like sidewalks and parking lots to get the physical distancing. That may work fine for Florida but we actually have a winter here. I guess they are hoping all will be normal by then.
I learned a new word. Vloggers. I believe it is people who are unable to put two sentences together but have a camera.