
Showing posts with label seniors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seniors. Show all posts

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Old Age Pension


They say the elderly live on air. This is taken into consideration when they are granted a pension. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Free Money

The government is giving $500. to eligible seniors. I volunteer to be eligible.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Self Isolation

I'm free! I'm free! Well, that ends two weeks of self isolation. It was the result of my short trip to Florida as a guest of the BlueJays and West Jet. The two weeks weren't much different than my normal life if you can forget about going to church, shopping, eating out, going for coffee with friends etc. 
There is shopping for seniors from 7 am till 8 am. I don't know if there was any lineup before hand but there was the normal amount of customers in the store by the time I got there. What I noticed the most was that there was no couples and probably more men than women. Women pushing their cart with toilet paper and paper towels. The men had wagons full of food. I guess their wives will get the toilet paper tomorrow. 
We had snow last and now we have a ton of slush. Probably gone by the end of the day. 
I can't say that I will catch up on my reading, as I am never behind when where you are is arbitrary. Now that we have access to movies and shows from all over the world, there is also never a lack of T.V. to watch. No baseball to watch. It was supposed to be opening day. I was already to sit with my new hat and shirt but, I guess not. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mayhem Still Reigns

Sunny out today but Thor is supposed to bang his hammer.

Do you notice there is nothing on tv to watch? It's so bad, I've even given the clicker over to my wife. I may be starting a bad idea here, because I'll want it back when the fall comes. I noticed she was watching Masterchef and they were cooking steaks. There was rare, medium and well done. They never mentioned shoe leather or burned to a crisp.

Read this headline,"Retirees Push Up Condo Prices." That's the "Me Generation" for you. It's never them, it's always someone else. When they are through with us, it will be the fault of the generation behind them.

I wrote in my Facebook about Sears catalogs used as toilet paper. Do you know, the first pages they used were from books of poems. They say, on a windy day, you could see these pages flying all over the english countryside. They wern't suitable for collecting.

Yesterday's front page was about the wages collected by people who run charities. Some earn a quarter million a year. It looks like a third of the money they collect goes to wages. And, as I have said before, these charities never die. If a cure is found, the charty is morphed into another. After all, they don't want to lose their jobs. In the U.S, it is not uncommon for the co. of a charity to earn a million.

Mayhem is still running rampant here. At 7:45 AM, three women smucked a woman on a bus and took her purse. She chased them and tried to get her purse back, but went down for the count. The bottom line is two were caught and before the judge at 10:00 AM.
At 5:00 AM on Monday morning, four guys attacked a couple, and used a hammer on him. With all the screaming, they took off and are still on the lam.!/PensionersRant