

Friday, July 16, 2010

Remember the Alamo

"Quebec to boost birth rate by coverning fertility treatments." Just got to get that birth rate up eh? I bet to get that you have to speak French and possibly have a French backround. For sure there will be no Anglephones allowed. But no mater what they do, the future is inevitably. They will be like their relatives in Louisiana. It appears that North America will end up as Spanish and English. The Mexicans might have their own agenda. "Remember the Alamo." Maybe they remember it too and want it back. After all, they did have it first. I remember going from Cal. to Mexico. I walked through the border and there was hardly anyone going in. There was one Federalie at a desk and he was fast asleep. On the way back it was totally different. Huge lineups. I stood on top the bridge and saw few cars going in but coming to the U.S, they were three abreast as far as you could see. And that is just the legal ones.

My wife is from Germany and the base I was at was next to her town. That base is now an airport and one of the major airlines there is Turkish Airways. A lot of the homes in that town are Turkish owned. We have been told that the Turkish government supplies the money to buy these homes. They always pay cash. I am sure you are aware that all the countries in Europe are having increased Arab populations. And they don't mind having eight kids. Get the picture? Sharia law. Back to the stone age or would that be stoning?

It appears that the Help Line here is only available from 8 A.M. to 11 P.M. Can you imagine someone about to jump off the bridge at 10:55 P.M, dials the Help Line  and hears, " I'm sorry sir, but we are closing for the night. Could you please call back at 8 A.M?" "But I'm about to jump off the bridge." "I'm sorry sir, but you have to call back during normal working hrs. You have to rebook your jumping appointment or get off your ass and originize your life." "You're not supposed to talk like that." "Well bud, it's after 11 P.M. and now you're just a crank call on my cell phone. I have to go to a party now. By the way since you have nothing to do till 8 A.M, why don't you join me?" "O.K."

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