Myself, my wife Bettina (Betty), my son John. Met my wife when I was stationed in Germany in the 60's. My son works for ADP in the U.S. as a Payroll Systems Analyst. He used to travel back and forth every week, but now he does a lot of work from home. He is going somewhere this week though. Left this afternoon for Ann Arbor MI. And my daughter in the wheelchair is Natasha. Born with Cerebral Palsy, she is now 33 yrs old.
STORMS - Rain off and on for the last three days. Last Fri. was big rain and big wind. Tomorrow is supposed to be bad again. When you turn on the weather channel and the screen is red, means severe weather. Out in parts of B.C. its over 40 C.
LEBANON - Getting worse there. Now everyone wants to get out.
I guess Israel just got fed up. The Hezbollah sitting on their border causing grief. The Lebanonese didn't do anything about it. Not only that, they even elected them to their Parlament. I guess it got to the point that enough was enough.
INTERESTING FACT - The first novel ever written on a typewriter: Tom Sawyer.