

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Big Wind & Rain

Yes, lots of wind and rain last night. Now most of the leaves are down. Has to dry up a bit before I suck them up. It is quite a bit.
Going for my 2 mile walk lately. I guess not today. Have to use the treadmill, although I am not fond of it.
My wife took my daughter to the doctor for the regular flu shot. Next week for the other one. My daughter is handicapped and prone to everything. I don’t think I am going to get any shots. Got the flu shot the last two years in a row and still got the flu. I have increased my vitamins, especially C & D. Normally I get a lot of cold sores. Two weeks ago, I got a very small one and it was gone in a day. Gave credit to vitamins which increased immunity. Made another increase at that time.
Tore my scrounged lawn mower apart the other day. Saved some parts and the rest goes to the curb tomorrow. Someone will grab it to sell the metal. That is something I definately approve of. Those guys keep a lot out of the landfill.
Went to mass last night. The priest said definately no shaking hands. In fact, no touching anyone. Take communion only in the hand and no more drinking wine. They don’t want anyone to get sick and they don’t want to get sued if someone gets sick.
Yesterday was Halloween. We had 55 kids at the door. My wife was happy about that. She likes giving out candy etc. I remember how happy I was to get goodies. Some people turn out the lights so no one will came to the door. Don’t they remember their childhood? That was the time before they grew up stingy.
Going to rain all day.

Just made a photo of my backyard. Have the front to do too. Look like the wind carried the leaves from across the street to my lawn.

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